Using a Colourful, Specially Designed Waste Receptacle to Reduce Litter in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri

Finnie, W. C. (1973). Field experiments in litter control. Environment and Behavior, 5, 2, 123-144.
First, a literature review was conducted to uncover possible tools for reducing the amount of litter in a city environment. Then, a specially designed waste receptacle with a prom…

The Use of Prompts in Increasing Recycling in Academic University Departments

Austin, J., Hatfield, D. B., Grindle, A. C., & Bailey, J. S. (1993). Increasing recycling in office environments: The effects of specific, informative cues. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 26, 2, 247-253.
In order to increase participation in a university recycling program, a literature review was conducted to uncover effective behavior change tools. Then, prompts were incorporated…

Improving Participation in a Newspaper Recycling Program in Apartment Complexes Using Prompts

Reid, D. H., Luyben, P. D., Rawers, R. J. & Bailey, J. S. (1976). Newspaper recycling behavior: the effects of prompting and proximity of containers. Environment and Behavior, 8, 471-481.
A literature review revealed that prompts are an effective method to improve participation in recycling programs. Furthermore, recycling increases when containers are in close pro…

Using Verbal and Visual Prompts to Reduce Litter in High Schools in Perth, Australia

Houghton, S. (1993). Using verbal and visual prompts to control littering in high schools. Educational Studies, 19, 3, 247-254.
A literature review revealed that prompts were an effective tool in controlling litter. Therefore, verbal and visual prompts were incorporated into a pilot program designed to cur…

Pay-As-You-Throw in Pennsylvania

To reduce waste, as well as promote recycling, many communities in Pennsylvania have implemented an incentive-based program known as Pay-As-You-Throw, or PAYT. With this program, …

Clean Builder Program

St. John's Clean and Beautiful is dedicated to increasing environmental awareness, reducing litter, and encouraging community beautification. The Clean Builder program is designed…

Motivating Community Recycling: New Zealand Curbside Trial

Randomly selected residents of New Zealand were asked to participate in a curbside recycling trial. Two weeks before the first collection they received a letter from the mayor tha…

Giving Trash the Boot! German Fest & The Boot Mug

German Fest is an annual celebration of German culture and tradition that is held in many cities across the country. One of these festivals attempted to reduce the amount of waste…

WRAP (Waste Reduction Awards Program)

In California, businesses generate more than half the state's waste and thus, can play a significant role in helping local governments reduce the amount of garbage being diverted …

Students Teaching Students on the Importance of Using Both Sides of Paper, Conserving Energy, and Recycling

Students can be the best teachers. In 1995, students in the Student Leadership Class designed and delivered educational messages to teachers and students on the importance of usin…

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May 29th - 31st, 2024

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Jun 3rd - 5th, 2024

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