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Effecting Durable Change: A Team Approach to Improve Environmental Behavior in the Household

Staats, H., Harland, P., & Wilke, H. (2004). Effecting Durable Change: A Team Approach to Improve Environmental Behavior in the Household. Environment and Behavior, 36(3), 341-367.
Interventions for voluntary proenvironmental behavior change usually target a limited number of behaviors and have difficulties in achieving durable change. The EcoTeam Program (E…

Social Norms Approaches Using Descriptive Drinking Norms Education: A Review of the Research on Personalized Normative Feedback

Lewis, M., & Neighbors, C. (2006). Social norms approaches using descriptive drinking norms education: A review of the research on personalized normative feedback. Journal of American College Health, 54(4), 213-218. doi:10.3200/JACH.54.4.213-218.
College students have been shown to consistently overestimate the drinking of their peers. As a result, social norms approaches are effective in correcting these misperceived norm…

Crafting Normative Messages to Protect the Environment

Cialdini, R. (2003). Crafting normative messages to protect the environment. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 12(4), 105-109. doi:10.1111/1467-8721.01242.
It is widely recognized that communications that activate social norms can be effective in producing societally beneficial conduct. Not so well recognized are the circumstances un…

Changing Behavior with Normative Feedback Interventions: A Field Experiment on Curbside Recycling

Schultz, P. W. (1999). Changing behavior with normative feedback interventions: A field experiment on curbside recycling. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 21, 1, 25-36.
Examined the effects of normative feedback on community curbside recycling, and predicted that activation of personal and social norms would lead to an increase in household recyc…

Successfully Changing Individual Travel Behavior: Applying Community-Based Social Marketing to Travel Choice

Cooper, C. (2007). Successfully changing individual travel behavior: Applying community-based social marketing to travel choice. Transportation Research Record, (2021), pp. 88-99.
This paper demonstrates that community-based social marketing techniques can be successfully used to affect people's transportation awareness and behavior, as deployed in Washingt…

The Effects of Videotape Modeling and Daily Feedback on Residential Electricity Conservation, Home Temperature and Humidity, Perceived Comfort, and Clothing Worn: Winter and Summer

Winett, R. A., Hatcher, J. W., Fort, T. R., Leckliter, I. N., Love, S. Q., Riley, A. W., & Fishback, J. F. (1982). The effects of videotape modeling and daily feedback on residential electricity conservation, home temperature and humidity, perceived comfort, and clothing worn: Winter and summer. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 15, 3, 381-402.
Two studies were conducted in all-electric residences in the winter ( n = 83) and summer ( n = 54) to ascertain how energy conservation strategies focusing on the thermostat cha…

Who Recycles and When? A Review of Personal and Situational Factors

Schultz, P. W., Oskamp, S., & Mainieri, T. (1995). Who recycles and when? A review of personal and situational factors. Journal of Enviornmental Psychology, 15, 2, 105-121.
Reviews 80 studies, published 1969-1995, to examine recyling behaviors as differentiated from attitudes and intentions. The effects on recycling behavior of both personal variabl…

A Field Experiment on Interventions to Improve Curbside Recycling

Schultz, P. W. (1995). A field experiment on interventions to improve curbside recycling. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 56, 5-B,
The United States is currently facing a solid waste crisis, and recycling is an important proenvironmental step toward resolving the crisis. Previous research with recycling has f…

Effective Dissemination of Energy-Related Information: Applying Social Psychology and Evaluation Research

Dennis, M., Soderstrom, E.J., Koncinski, W.S., Cavanaugh, B. (1990). Effective Dissemination of Energy-Related Information: Applying Social Psychology and Evaluation Research. American Psychologist, 45(10), 1109.
Discusses the limitations of previous energy conservation programs in affecting the behavior of individual consumers. Suggests that the rational-economic model upon which they wer…

Virtual Oceania

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May 29th - 31st, 2024

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Jun 3rd - 5th, 2024

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Expertise in Community-Based Social Marketing